Video Effects 61-90

A small collection of video effects for transitions and/or backgrounds available for download.
From time to time I will add more effects.
Please be patient while Google Drive prepares files for download!
Password to unzip or unrar: overthemoonwithproshow


Moving Clouds
Orange Beams
Orange Glitter Circles
Particle Dust
Particles Flash Beam
Particles Green Buttons
Particles Red Buttons
Particles Red Flowers
Particles Blue Rosettes
Purple Blue Moving
Rays Stars Green
Single Tree
Snow Falling 1
Snow Falling 2
Snow, Stars, Dust
Soft Orange Lights
Soft Snow Dashing
Sparkle Hearts Red
Spinning Diamond
Star Field
Ornament Hanging
Sun Rays Turquoise
Sunset Vibes
Swirls Spurting
Triangle Tunnel
Soft Turquoise
Wand Stars
Water Waves